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From Conflict To Connection




Over time relationships change.  This is normal. 

Life gets busy.... kids, work, family... 


It can be easy to drift apart, communicate less and

then struggle to communicate at all.  






If you love your partner, but have been frustrated with the constant arguments that keep coming back up--this is your chance for change. 


Strengthened Communication

Deeper Emotional Connection

Long Term Relationship Growth

Does this sound familiar? 

→We never solve anything, it always comes back

→We end up fighting over the smallest things

→We've just grown apart

→I feel like I can't talk about anything without it turning into something bigger

→It's like we're speaking different languages 




Imagine if....


✔️ You could disagree and still enjoy the night

✔️ You could repair a situation easily

✔️ You felt confident in your ability to communicate


 That would be a game changer for years to come  


You don't have to keep waiting to have a better relationship with your partner.



From Conflict To Connection:

The Relationship Transformation Course

The relationship course where you will learn how to

communicate effectively and reconnect as a couple. 


By the end of From Conflict To Connection,

you will:  

Feel more comfortable having those difficult conversations so you can speak up sooner instead of holding on to resentment.

Learn how to actually repair those arguments you have on loop so they DON'T keep coming up again.

Get the tools you need so you can have long term change in your relationship!


Why is it so effective?? 

It's the REAL Change Method

Each module takes you through a process to

help you create REAL change:


Reflect: on what you'd like from your relationship with specialized lessons

Engage: activities that help you connect personally to the lessons 

Apply: apply new skills you learn in each module

Live Practice: practice everything you are learning in between lessons


Don't just take my word for it, this

is what others have said


"this has been the best few weeks of our relationship..."



"I felt validated for my experience within the couple, and I thought the actions that were taught will be helpful"



"I feel like we’re a world apart from where we were"




Hi, I'm Karyn

One thing you should know about me is I really love helping people create better, healthier relationships. 
I struggled in mine for so long, so I know how life changing it is and now it's a passion to help others.  
That and I have three dogs that by some miracle didn't end up in any of the videos in this course! 
But I promise, it's still fantastic and absolutely transformative. 
Don't wait to create this change for your relationship. 



What is in the course? 

The REAL Change Method is front and center in each of the 5 Module

Reflect on video lessons that teach you ideas and concepts that help you have a better understanding of how we show up in relationships and why so you can recognize negative patterns more quickly.

Engage with workbook activities help you take the lesson and apply it to your own life and relationship so you can apply the lessons in a more meaningful way.

Apply new skills you are taught through video lessons.

New  tools that you learn can be used right away in your relationship so you can see the change you are wanting quickly!

Keep the practice going! Put everything together and practice so you can feel more comfortable with new the information and tools.

But hang on... we've got bonuses

Yup! Check these out... 

Managing Outside Influences

Tired of getting unsolicited advice from people who don't support you in your relationship?  Learn how to manage these outside influences with your partner instead of going at it on your own.

Holiday Plans

Family pressure around the holidays and other events is NO JOKE.  And often times it can create conflict in your relationship.
Do you struggle to feel heard when expressing how you want to spend the holidays?  Want to create your own traditions, but don't feel like you have the space to do so?  This can help.  

Date Night Calendar

No more excuses! Date night ideas for a whole year...  
Say No More... I'M IN

So this is what happens... 


💔 As life gets busier and we begin to focus on other areas of our life and we start to communicate with each other less


💔 So tension builds 


💔 We get frustrated and don't talk about what's going on... because we really are very busy... work, kids, extended family.... 


💔 And we feel things so big it's hard to imagine our partner doesn't see what's going on too....


💔 Then the resentment starts to build and this whole cycle just keeps going with more intensity over time making it harder to see there's actually a way out

And we don't realize... 


♥️ With the right tools, we can learn how to do something different


❤️ We CAN learn the communication skills needed   


♥️ Getting outside help is the best way to learn something new 


♥️ There actually is a better way to do all this!

What's My Investment?

What is it costing you to not invest in this? 


Think about what it will be like for you to know that you can talk to your
partner comfortably instead of tip-toeing around different topics? 
To change not just how you communicate,
but as a result your whole relationship?


What is that worth? 

Online Course ONLY


Best For DIYers

  • 5 Modules
  • Easy to watch video lessons
  • Lessons and Activities to help you connect to the information so that you can have more meaningful results
  • Challenges to help you apply the lessons to your day to day life so that you can see real change
  • Lifetime access to the course and all updates so you never miss out on anything
  • Email support as you go along

Need More Support?


Best For More Personal Support

  • Everything in the course only option  PLUS

  • 6 1:1 Coaching Sessions giving you direct access to me for support weekly
  • Get more personalized feedback so that you can make sure you are on the best path
  • Address any specific relationship dynamics so you can get more personalized results
  • Adapt lessons specifically to your communication styles for faster results

You may be wondering...

Before you go....


I know it can be hard to take that leap of faith and try something new.  Especially when it's been a certain way for so long.
But I want you to know it IS possible to change and it all starts with taking that first step and making the choice to do something different. 



Being able to communicate with your partner shouldn't feel like a luxury...

It's something we all deserve to have