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I'm Karyn!

Your Relationship Coach  

I help individuals and couples who want to make it work,
but need help along the way. 
Schedule Free Consult Now

I know what it feels like to want (need!) something different in your relationship. I was there just a few years ago....

Just like you, I was frustrated and tired.  

For too many years, my husband and I stayed stuck in a negative cycle that kept us apart for way too long! 

My Story...

My husband and I have always gotten along a lot of the time, but we also had this cycle of fighting, not talking about it, not repairing and just kind of slinking back together without resolving anything. 

And eventually the fighting became more frequent and it was impacting all the other areas of our life.  It was too much and we had to do something different or it was only going to keep getting worse. 


So I did something about it...

I was already a therapist, but I started training specifically on working with couples.  And I learned SO MUCH and everything I learned I brought back to my relationship.

And my husband wanted to learn too so together we did the work and we made the changes we needed to. 

Who would have thought...

I honestly never would have thought a few years ago that we would be where we are now.  The difference is night and day.  

We did it the hard way... on our own.  But you don't have to.  

I work specifically with people who want to make it work, but don't know how.  I give you the tools you need to have the relationship you want (and deserve!)

Get Your Free Consult

I have extensive training specific to working with relationships (on your own or with your partner!) 

In addition to having lived this in my own relationship (and continue to do so daily!), I am a certified Relational Life Therapy Coach and have other relationship training as well, all so I am better able to help you.  

What others have said

"When things are good, we’re great.  I’m really glad we did this.  I wish we’d done it sooner, but I’m glad we didn’t wait any longer."


"We’ve had behavior change for a short time working after working with other people, but this is the first time I’ve seen an emotional connection that change and I feel like it’s going to stick now. "

"We’ve been doing all this work that truly helps us know more about each other and understand that we’re not terrible people "


You're 3 steps away from transforming your relationship

And the process is simple.
Schedule Your Connection Call
Get to work!
Start seeing results!
Free Consultation

This step is optional, so if you are ready and want to just jump right into your coaching package, that's great too!  You can start either way!

 Coaching Sessions

We will meet at a schedule that fits your needs to help you start working on your relationship giving you insight, clarity, skills and tools. 


When you start implementing the knowledge and tools gained in coaching sessions, you will quickly start to see results in your relationship and day to day life.


Everyone should have the opportunity to have a happy, healthy relationship with their partner. 

If you want to do something different, first you have to learn something different. 
We're Ready

Download the Free Workbook:

7 Questions to Reconnect with Your Partner

Download your workbook and start connecting with your partner now

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About me


We have three awesome dogs:

Chuy, Penelope and Rosco

I've traveled to 7 different countries (still waiting to go to Costa Rica or Belize #goals)

I love to bake! I bake sourdough bread almost every week for us and extended family