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Make informed decisions  | Align with your goals | Achieve balance


Balancing Act: How To Prioritize Your TIME, MONEY and ENERGY

For Couples


We Need This

Feel Empowered 

Make Decisions That Matter

Live A Balanced Life

Are you tired of feeling 


stretched too thin and

constantly making choices that leave you feeling exhausted and unsatisfied?

It's time to take control of your life with this comprehensive course,
Balancing Act: Prioritizing Time, Money, and Energy.

What's Inside?

Balancing Act is designed to help you understand the critical importance of your time, money, and energy. Our workbook will guide you through the process of making intentional, value-driven decisions that lead to a more satisfying and balanced life.
  • Discover Your Priorities: Learn to identify what's truly important to you and align your decisions with your core values.
  • Time Management Mastery: Gain practical tools and strategies to manage your time effectively, so you can spend it on what truly matters.
  • Financial Clarity: Understand how to allocate your money wisely, ensuring that your spending supports your long-term goals.
  • Energy Optimization: Learn to manage your emotional and physical energy to avoid burnout and maintain your well-being.

Why This Course? 

Balancing Act isn't just another course; it's a transformative tool designed to help you:

Make Informed Decisions

Understand the impact of your choices on your overall well-being and satisfaction.

Align With Your Goals

Ensure that your actions reflect your long-term objectives and personal values.

Achieve Balance

Find a harmonious balance between your time, money, and energy, leading to a more fulfilled and content life.

Balancing Act: How To Prioritize Time, Money and Energy Course



What's Included In The Course? 

Introduction, Goals and Quiz

Take the quiz to find out how you and your partner both prioritize

The Importance of Time

We are all busier than ever these days.  Learn how we underestimate and undervalue our time and why this is so important. 

Why We Have To Consider Money

Money is one of the biggest reasons couples fight.  Learn why it is so important for you and your partner to talk about finances.

Why We Need to Be More Aware Of Our Energy

Our energy is something we often times don't even think about.  I'm talking about emotional, mental and physical energy.  And sometimes this IS the most important thing.

Decision Making Framework

Learn how to take everything you've learned and apply it to day to day decisions to help you be more intentional about the choices you make. 

Moving Forward

Learn how to maintain this intentionality long term to help you continue to make decisions that you and your partner can feel good about. 

What about Bonuses?

I want you to have real tools to help you apply all of this to YOUR life

Time Audit

It is so easy for us to get swept away with our schedules and getting on to the next thing.  Use this to really pay attention to how you are spending your time so you can see how it aligns with your goals.

Energy Audit

Learn what adds to and takes away from your energy and how to be more intentional with it. 

Budget Template

Don't have your finances in order yet?  Don't worry.  This budget template will help you feel more comfortable with income, expenses so you can have a better handle on it.

What others have said...

"It helps us feel more aware of the choices we making"


"This is going to be helpful for so many people"


Get It Now

You may be wondering...

Hi there, I'm Karyn!

I love working with couples and helping you have tools to make your relationship (and life!) easier. 

After using this same mindset approach in my own marriage during a time when we had SO MUCH going on, I have taught this to many couples, who have also found it so helpful!

If your goal is to become more intentional about how you make decisions, this is the workbook for you!