33. Show Interest In Your Partner

Hello there!  So I just wanted to do a quick plug here for really showing interest in your partner.  And I’m going to be honest, this doesn’t always come to me naturally so I have to be pretty intentional about it and when I get it right I give myself high praise because it’s not so easy for me!  Let me explain… 

I have always been about taking care of me.  If the sky falls tomorrow, I know I’ll be okay because I am just that kind of person.  I’m a planner and security is important to me.  That’s the positive side… the not so positive side is that sometimes I’m only thinking of myself and that apparently shines through pretty clearly because my husband has mentioned it to me…more than once.  And rightfully so I’ll add.  

So in order to change that I have had to be very intentional about and if I ever notice an opportunity show some love and interest to something my husband is doing, I try to jump on it.  

So just today my husband put up a light in the basement… not something I am normally excited about.  But he’s been talking about it for a few days and today he went down and did it.  Now, am I really interested in that light?  I mean, it does make the basement brighter so I’m going to give it a solid 3 out of 10, but not something I would get up for on its own.  But am I interested in my husband?  Yup!

 So when he told me he put the light up, a light went off in my own brain and I got up, went down and took a look because I KNOW how important that is for him and that it will make a big difference when he’s working down there and told him so.  And he really appreciated that I did that.  And it took me basically no time at all.

So I just wanted to put a little plug in for showing interest in the small things, which can actually be a big thing to your partner.  

I hope this is helpful for you today! Take care of yourself and take care of each other.