A Better Relationship in 5 Minutes Podcast Trailer

A Better Relationship Coaching
A Better Relationship in 5 Minutes Podcast Trailer

Hi, my name is Karyn. I'm a couples therapist and relationship coach. Welcome to my podcast A Better Relationship In 5 Minutes.

I wanted to start this podcast because I believe that relationships are the most important things in our lives, especially when we're talking about the relationship we have with our partners. I've done so much work in my own relationship and seen such a difference, and I wanted to be able to share that with others.

Relationships aren't always easy to navigate. We didn't get a relationship handbook telling us all the things we need to do to have a successful partnership or marriage, and honestly, it can be a real struggle sometimes. I see this a lot with all the couples I work with in my own practice, as well as in my own relationship, and I wanted to be able to put this podcast out to give you practical tips and suggestions and actionable advice.  Tools you can start using right away in your day to day life to help you have a better relationship.

We're going to talk about communication, how to stay connected, and how to build and maintain a healthy, positive relationship with your partner and yourself. We're going to do this in short episodes all about five minutes, so you can easily listen when you're on the go and busy with life. I'd love to hear from you along the way with any feedback, ideas you have, or anything in particular you'd like me to talk about. And I definitely want to hear your stories, challenges, and wins that you have in your own relationship and how you're fostering connection with your partner.

Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you can find out whenever there's a new episode. You can also check out my website about our relationship To learn more about working with me, sign up for emails so you know what's going on with a better relationship coaching, including any freebies and new courses I have coming up.

Thank you so much for listening and I look forward to going on this journey with you. And remember, there's no better time to make the decision to have a better relationship.